Personal Support
Offering Support in Difficult Periods
There may be times in our lives when we find ourselves needing to call on the support of others to help us through difficult periods.
For a variety of reasons the support may be needed for a period of anything from a couple of weeks to a longer term basis, and may consist of anything from a call to check if you are alright, to complex and intimate personal support four or more times daily, to prepare you for, and assist you through the day.
All our employees are sensitive to the reservations people may have about receiving intimate personal support. Our highly trained and professional Community Support Workers ensure that each customer’s dignity, choice and desired outcomes are respected and upheld at all times and we work with each customer to promote and maximise their independence.
Our Customers in receipt of Personal Support may require assistance with:
Washing / Bathing / Showering
Dressing / Undressing
Dental Care
Hair / Personal Grooming
Continence Management including assistance with incontinence pads and catheters
Stoma / Colostomy Management
Prompting / Administering of Medication
Application / removal of prescribed Support Stockings
Transfers including use of prescribed Movement & Handling equipment including Hoists/StandAids/Rotundas
Maintainance / monitoring of food / fluid intake
Management/monitoring of Pressure Areas
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